Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Everything has to be bLaCK and WhiTe. What for?

A lot of people want everything to be exactly black and white. Is because trust is a scarce commodity now. And the other reason, I believe is, you can use that to blame others, or worse still, claim damages from others, even though sometimes you did not really suffer much damages yourself. The system, have been, and will always be in favor to those who knows how to play with the words, and those who is well verse in the law and their loopholes. Lawyers. Kan Chan-ers. Those who can find the loopholes and play the game well, will be the one doing the exploitation. 
There is this chinese saying "ngaa chi dong kam sai", which roughly means your spoken words are as good as gold, means your words are bankable. Somehow, after thousands of years, too many kan-chan has emerged, and this is no more valid. That's why you need contracts documents that is a few inches thick.
Is there a way to plot a graph to analyse how many % of people who is not honest according to countries, ethnic, sex, age etc? That will be fun to see.