Finally! I've had finished making myself a new blog header! How do you guys think of it? OK or not? Whatever you said, I think I am not gonna change it anymore for the time being, coz I've already changed the design for many many times. TOO TIRED! But also very challenging at the same time. When I finish it, I feel a lil sense of satisfaction and most importantly...HAPPY. I don't know why. It seems like this feeling is a stranger to me long long time ago. MAybe THIS is really what you call JoB SaTisFactiON, the feeling that I don't seem to find much in my current day job. Is that a sign of anything?
Sure! At least I know I like using Photoshop more than AutoCAD or Solidworks or even AVEVA PDMS! For those who don't know what the heck I'm mumbling about, the few latter names are the software used for producing engineering drawings in 2D and 3D. All of them are much more expensive compared with Photoshop. The first one being 3 times, second one 10 times, and the last one is the king of all kings... a few hundred times the price of photoshop! Can you imagine that???
My process of making this header can be easily summarized as Sketching > Scanning > Coloring > Cropping > Finish! Tata! I would say the hardest part would be the sketching part...coz sometimes, I just don't have the 'correct feel' and 'inspiration' to sketch. Plus, the crazy work schedule and the 'paradise' working environment here, is sure to be a no.1 inspiration kiLLeR. Too much of rubbish thoughts cloGGing my mind. Get OuT, you RuBBish!
ONE: The pic above is the sketch on a paper scanned to photoshop. Very big file I tell you...
TWO: Then I try many to make a cloud to add this dramatic feel to it by using clouds on it. Hmm....too many clouds! I try another.
THREE: I put the color inside it lor, simple painting and some gradient...But the color choice is not that good this time around. Just seem to be lack of something, or rather too much color I think...oUT!
FOUR: I removed the cloud and try to make it in white background instead. But the background seems to be just too this one is oUT! And the thing that this configuration doesn't seem to 'blend in' with the page background color of #333333 (grey), I gotta omit it liao. Then finally, I tried ThiS.
FIVE: This! Yeeeeaaaahhh! ;)
The color seems to blend in nicely with the background. For me it reminds me of the blackboard in my primary schOOL. The chalk and board is sOOoo...outdated! But I like it. ☻
This picture down here shows the pic of a person on the planet Jupiter? With the rocket departing...leaving him behind, the sun is made of a large filament bulb, the beautiful mountains and clouds...I think I can't explain to you the meaning of these, coz I myself draw these randomly out of nothing. Sorry bout that.
The second one, I can tell you something. It's a view from the airplane onto the clouds. ImaGinE! Imagine that you could ride on a skateboard and skate ON the clouds, how nice would it be! And imagine you could sit on a giant sized paper plane and go around without having to pump any petrol at RM 2.52 a litre? (heard they dropped it liao to RM 2.42). could lean on the moon curvature, and do some fishing once in a while, imagine... you could go on a trip of 'beanstalk-hiking'...where you can enjoy the superb view when you reached the top. Imagine...imagine...imagine....
Damn! I'm gotta be mad soon imagining these! Gotta stop liao...stop liao...Maybe it's the hangover from last weeks yam SeennnngGG section with my colleagues. (yam seng means cheers / to propose a toast in Cantonese)
Well, I could still accept these kind of 'side effect', at least better than one of my colleague's one. He got so 'hanged', he rammed onto an Estima while driving asleep. Yes, ASLEEP! But lucky for him, he woke up from his SLeeP. Lucky for him. Nevertherless, I will still say this...
Huan! Let's try another round! I'll fetch you home this time around!